Senin, 24 Februari 2014

learning english

Strategy How To Learn Mathematics Well Especially In “English
Several days ago (February,28th 2014) Prof. Marsigit said that there are many steps to have expert  studying english. Before toward at strategy, we must have approach. With approach we can get whatever we want. For example, if we want closer with a someone so we must carry on to make him pleasure with us. so, we must carry on to make him like with us. also with english, we must excited with it and then we will make a strategy. But before approach, there is believe. We must trusted if we can learning english well. But before believe there are many assumptions which give us some benefits when we learning english.
The assumption such as experience, an adult people, similar chance, responsibility, life, communication, and the last is mathematics.
The first assumption is experience, experience can help us for learning english. Because we have studying english since in the senior high school even in the elementary school. So, we must have big feeling when we are studying english.
The second assumption is an adult people, we are an adult people. So, we will easier learning english. What do you think about differences between adult  and younger people? I think adult people is very different with younger people. Because, an adult people is very responsible with their circumference.
The next assumption is similar chance, Prof. Marsigit, Mr.Ilham, and us have similar chance to study. Everywhere we can continually studying english until we dont have chance again.
The fourth assumption is responsibility with your learning, it mean we must active learning what we want to know. For example, if we want to know details about Mr. Ilham. So, we must active looking for information about him and learn it.
The next assumption is “language is live”, similar with human, language also alive. Every word in the world always changeable everytime. For example, the word “do” is originally from “undo”, and for the other example is the word “to” its originally from “upto”. If the language is alive so we must also learn it with live method too. Its the best method to have the key. That process in activity is very important to know that you are still alive or not.
The seventh assumption is communication, language is communication. We will have social activity if we have communication. And we must have nice language to get many friends. Also with english, we can writing, reading, listening, answering, questioning, telling, and etc. We can make it for languaging with other.
The last assumption is mathematics, we are candidate of mathematics teacher. Especially teacher in senior or junior high school. In the school there are not calculus, geometry, or statistics. But we learning it for the foundation of teaching and we can to be a good teacher.
I try to conclude some assumption from Prof. Marsigit. We must to be a active student in the class. Because if we passive we will not have chance to be a creative student and to be a good candidate of mathematics teacher.
I think thats all the resume from Prof. Marsigit explanation. I hope this article give many benefits for us. Thanks.